It is a much common problem than many think. So, what does it matter?
There are many symptoms of this strange illness, but are the most common:
Faces on the screen are stained, as if sunburned or a yellowish-brown glow on the shiny areas.
Bright areas on the screen are colored with a light yellow or brown.
Solarization: A phenomenon in photography, in which the image on a negative or aPhotographic printing is reversed in whole or in part in tone. (From Wikipedia)
Look at junk mail a color or color newspaper ad.
Look for an ad that a "sunburn" or sunburn shows effects on the persons face.
This is what you are looking for the solarizing effect is clearly evident on the faces.
The problem can be solved if you get a firmware update for the LCD HDTV or Plasma HDTV
A firmware update is a microcode update for the chipsinside your set.
You must contact your supplier or manufacturer for this update.
And you need to get their service agent for this contact, sometimes it is complex, and this depends on the brand.
As an example, but if you have a Samsung LCD or plasma HDTV, with some models can be updated, even!
What happens is that Samsung send a USB stick with the firmware, no, and follow the instructions:
You can flash itor update it yourself!
Unfortunately, this does not always solve the problem, Solarization, but it is definitely worth a try.
Sometimes it is the fault of the station or network sub-standard programming transmitted ... Quality control?
Once it is updated, you can be sure that your set is functioning as best they can ...
Something you may be able to do if you have not already purchased an LCD HDTV, or that Bargain Cheap LCD TV is to buy simply is not an amount thatexhibits this problem.
A quick way to check the quality of an LCD display:
Go on a set that is on the screen to get up close and look straight up or down on screen
A good quality display will not change much, you will be no change in the quality of the image.
Cheap LCD TV with LCD display, which is susceptible to solarization, sees negative where the light parts of thethe picture go dark and the dark areas brighter go.
Or it will only lose color and image quality.
... If you really want to buy a cheap LCD TV, leave it there and look, are well out there ....
Unfortunately, with a plasma HDTV, it is more complicated.
You need a firmware update to try to correct the problem.
And it is a call for inclusion of your local plasma and LCD Service Center.
Think quote it, your brandand model number are these data on the back of the unit on a sticker.
And the date of purchase, if the TV is under warranty.
And it also helps if you Google.
You'll be surprised how many hits you get to a particular brand and model.
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