If you have a look at my LCD flat screen TV, no doubt you have about the 120Hz models read. You are probably wondering whether the models with a value of 120 Hz, the costs are. The value of the 120 Hz feature was discussed heavily in recent months. There are a number of things to consider before the decision.
In the early days of LCD or plasma TV wars, one of the biggest disadvantages of buying a LCD TV was that they tended to moveBlur, and a slightly jerky picture, especially in times when there was a lot of fast action like sports or movie scenes like car chases. Although it handle a big improvement over the years, television in the ability to fast movements, so LCD is still fighting the stigma of not having as smooth a picture as plasmas.
Enter the 120Hz TV. Have as an immediate response, integrated 120Hz LCD TV manufacturers in its latest TV models. These TVs haveRefresh rates that twice as fast as the "standard" 60Hz models.
Those who are followers of the 120Hz technology argue that the image is noticeably smoother with crystal clarity, especially in fast action scenes or sports. Another advantage is the ability to produce an almost 3D image.
On the other hand, others say that they can see no difference when comparing side to side with the "standard" 60Hz models. You have the feeling that the 120 Hz models are simpleHigher prices to sell gimmicks tv.
So who is right? As usual, there is a middle ground. Simply put, a 120Hz TV is easy to replicate a standard 60Hz signal and twice for what is little improvement to image quality. The real difference is when the use of a video processing function for motion enhancement. Each company has its own name for this process. For example, Samsung Electronics is feature called AMP for Automotion Plus. This function takesthe screen, and interpolates the image to a smoother picture, to be able to reduce stuttering.
If the movement is a further improvement satisfactory picture? This is also not yet decided. Motion improvement at its best offers a noticeably smoother, more stable image, free from Jutter, motion blur and ghosting. Some describe 120Hz games in that they have a 30 frames per second, like a game with 60 frames per second game, while others are looking to live on the ability to sports and movies fascinatedand 3D-like.
In the worst case, movement can be divided accessories designed to introduce a fast moving disturbance distracted in the second image as artifacts that may be obvious. Others feel that, while kind of documentary showing how stable Planet Earth breathtaking live-action shots may provide that the motion is carried away by the improvement of the films with a cinematic feel almost too realistic, live TV or soap opera rather than a cinematic experience .
It is important tosuggest that movement enhancements may be turned on or off, so if you are a film without the motion enhancement, you can simply switch it on, you want to see.
At the time of the election, with a 120 Hz LCD flat screen TV to go, is a purely personal choice and budget. Note that it is a very new technology and as with all new technologies there are still some things that are to be completed. There is little debate that 120Hz is the wave of the future and that the technologywill only improve over time. If the course is not the primary concern or when the additional dollars can in an attempt to future proof your TV then buy it seems appropriate to perfect, with the additional features and advantages of a 120-Hz LCD flat-screen TVs offer may go to spare. If price is a primary factor, and you work on a limited budget then a standard model would be a good choice to be perfected, the 120-Hz models.
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