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The Truth About HD TV's - Myths Explained

Flat-screen TVs have problems with the display resolution to hold fast-moving images.

This is not necessarily true, even if it may affect some TV. Plasma TVs can present moving objects without loss of sharpness or detail. As the pixels can be illuminated, and de-lit, almost immediately, there is no loss in image quality depending on the scene speed.

Some LCD TVs do not suffer from the problems. Even the fastest LCD screens can suffer with some motion bluras the pixel must be lit, and de-lights of an electric charge. LCD technology is not always better, although you should try "before you buy is suffering" to see if you are interested below.

Screen burn.

Although some of the very early TV 's suffered from screen burn, it is no longer a problem, so you should not bother about. You can now play computer games or watch channels with static logos on a TV without worrying about different static imageElements on the screen for an extended period. Some TV 's do not suffer a small amount of photo storage - so you can see a remnant of the image still there when you turn it on again, but after a short time to watch a different channel, this completely disappears.

Plasma TV 's not a car - you do not need refilling

Many people think that plasma screens will need to fill the gas, so they have a job. That is completely untrue andYou do not need to worry about.

Life - it is not yet dead and buried, my dear.

When a plasma TV will be listed life, it is usually in (in thousands) hours. But many of this as if the TV record. This is not the case. The actual lifetime is cited for running the TV until "half brightness". That is - the TV will still work, but the picture may not be as awesome as when you first. Time, they point to theBedroom / study / games room and buy a new model.

Flat-screen TVs have a bad angle.

This myth again depends on the set, and the technology. Plasma TV is really very wide viewing angle without a significant loss of color or contrast, thanks to the fact that they are light directly from each of their screen cells or pixels observed radiation.

Some LCDs have problems with the display of images wide angles and try again before you buy.

Higher resolution is notgetting better

It is a common myth that a higher screen resolution will give a better picture. But this is not always the case.

More importantly, the monitors internal processing (ie, as shown in the picture) and at the time of writing, the Pioneer plasma screens, although only a resolution of 1024x768 a better picture than the rates of 1920x1080 (1080p). Can not be done before the rush out and purchase the latest and greatest set (all manufacturers claim theirbetter than everyone else?), you should ask a local e-shop, hook up 2 or 3 screens, you have as a purchase, compare the image. Not everyone has the same opinion as they see their pictures.

See Also : HDTV TVs Reviews

